The Storytelling Cafe was set up by Graham Langley years ago, Aussies know him from attendance at our Canberra Storytelling Festival in 1999 and you can read about him on my website (http://www.anneestewart.com.au/) under the Swag of Yarns Interviews.
Graham was away but he left me in the very capable hands of local storytellers Rachel and Helen. I was guest teller and Helen MC’d and told a story as well another local Mike. They go to a lot of trouble to set the scene with back drop, candles and tablecloths and in upcoming performances luscious coffee and cake. They have great promotional material, very professional looking including posters and leaflets they distribute widely. There is a very vibrant storytelling scene in the UK with lots of enthusiastic tellers and it was great to meet some of them.
Hi Annie, Loving the Blog. Keep those stories and photos coming. Love Janie S